Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Taking it old school

Okay, so my blog post have been a little dark recently. I assure you that I have been writing from my character's perspectives and not necessarily my own. With that being said, I'm sharing with you a little piece of my past.

Take a look and have a good laugh.

When I was in the sixth grade, my friends and I thought we were the coolest people around. LOL, of course you all know that is not the truth. We were dorky, bookworms who loved music.

But, I've got news for you Millennials, we created text lingo before it was a thing. I have proof. A nicely, handwritten in pencil, sheet of paper from 1992 with Abbreviations that we used in our letters back and forth to each other.

While I will not share some of them, here's a few for your viewing pleasure. Have a good laugh.

W.W.B.  Warren G Wannabe (Google Warren G if you don't know who that is)
F.F.         Flicked Flicker
P.E.         Preppy People
D.I.         Dumb idiots
V.G.       Valley Girl
W.B.S.    Wanna be singer
B.L.         Brooke Lover ( you had to be there)
S.             Salsa  (Nickname for someone)
S.N.         Shwin
B.A.         But Anyways
B.C.         Big cow
2.C.4.U.   to cool for you
I.B.C.N.U I'll be seeing you
T.B.         Too bad
C.Y.         see you

That's a few. Some seemed inappropriate to share lol but anyways.


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