Friday, November 25, 2016

Check off the Bucket List NaNoWriMo complete

Wow, time flies. The month is coming to a close in just five days. I reached 50,000 on November 20th and finished my first draft of Lyrics Of My Soul today. It's so insane how quick it all happened. Thing is, I don't want to stop. I'm ready to jump right in to my next project. So, that's what I'm going to do. I'm getting ready to outline another story I've been spinning in my head. I figure, why not? Maybe all I'll ever have are a bunch of first drafts, but that's better than having none. I want to get the main parts of these stories out while I've got them fresh in my brain. So, the new journey has just begun.

New Project is untitled and I'm just going to start working on the outline. Maybe, I'll start writing. Who knows?

Congrats to all my fellow Nano-ers. We are all winners because one word is better than none.

Write because you have to. Write because it's all you can think about and you can't breath or focus if you don't get these stories out on the page.

Let the words happen one at a time because there is no other way.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

2 weeks in

Well, we are close to two weeks in. My current word count is 32,699. I think that's pretty good. The story is going well for a first draft. Been so busy with writing and life that I haven't had much time to post on here. I'll try to update once a week. Otherwise, see you after November.

Monday, November 7, 2016

1 week down

NaNoWriMo is going good. It feels good to be getting this story out after all this time. I'm 18,000+ words. I'm good with that. There's a little cushioning there in case something comes up and I have a day or two when I can't write. The story is progressing well. I'm also playing around with a few ideas in my head. Always something on the back burner. Keep up the good work fellow Nano-er's.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

2671 Words

Day 1

First day has been pretty successful. I've been anxious all day hoping I could make the daily word count. I am pleasantly surprised that I ended the day about a thousand words above the daily goal. Now, I'm just hoping to keep this pace all November.

Well, I'm tired and ready for some rest so I can do it all again tomorrow.

#AWritersLife #NaNoWriMo

Monday, October 31, 2016

3 Hours and Minutes

It's the eve of NANOWRIMO. Hours away actually. My nerves are getting anxious. I'm not sure if this is because it's my first time participating or if it's because I haven't written anything on this scale in over a year and a half.

I keep asking myself: Can I really do this again?

The answer of course is YES. But, you know how it is when your start to over-analyze and doubt your own goals. I wonder if I'm prepped enough. If my story can make to my goal of 50,000 words.

Am I doomed if I don't write something at exactly midnight, the start time?

The answer of course is NO.

I'm pumped, I'm ready and Lyrics of My Soul is ready to come out of head where it has been stored for the past 5 years.

Wish me luck! Ask me my word count, Everyday!

You know what they say, "It takes a villiage..."

Well it takes that and then it takes: Google, Music, Caffeine, Friends, Fellow Writers, Endless nights, and Post-It Notes. Lots and lots of Post-It Notes.

Yes, I'm a dork and I don't care.

Times ticking.
