Sunday, May 22, 2016

I have a million things to do and never enough time. Isn't that how the world works these days? Seeking out a sliver of time to work on a new project. I seem to be adding more to my to-do list than marking anything off. 
Making bows, trying to finish the first 4 chapters before the end of the month, spending time with the kid, trying to go through each room in the house and plan a yard sale for the summer, cleaning house, doing laundry, working, taking the kid to dance, trying to make time to blog, remembering my New's Year's Revolution to make the people around me feel how important they are to me, getting sick, planning for my second surgery this year. 
It's manic and never-ending. 
Laying down to sleep is not welcoming. I plan for 5-6 hours of sleep. Which normally works for me. I lay in bed ready for sleep. But, sleep doesn't come. Only an endless amount of rapid thoughts about everything else. New ideas pop in my mind. Reminders of things I want to accomplish. And sleep. It never comes.
Saturday. I plan to sleep in. For once. But, I'm up glaring at the clock at 6:03 AM. Should have just set the alarm like every other day. 
Sunday. Ah, Sunday's are the best days for sleeping in. Again, up and glaring at the clock. This time 6:07 AM.
A million things to accomplish. Sleep not one of them.

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